First up is our director Emma. Emma has been teaching since 2007, taking Duck N’ Dive over in Summer 2022 after being a member of the team for 5 years. Not only does Emma bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team, but she also brings bags of passion. Swim instruction has become the centre of Emma’s life, constantly researching new drills and games and often inventing ones of her own to keep her lessons fresh and engaging.
Emma has dived (intended) into her new role as the face of Duck N’ Dive and worked tirelessly to build on the business, introducing reward schemes, mascots and themed weeks to ensure that her and all of her teams lessons are as fun, safe and engaging as possible.
Emma has introduced a dedicated training programme for all staff and personally trains all new teachers and assists to get the very best level of swimming instruction possible. Not only is Emma our director, but she is head of admin, a dedicated Instructor, our lead development squad coach and the brains behind Duck N’ Dive, dedicating her life to it and building it to what it is now.
With countless hours put into her art, Emma has become one of the very best instructors many have had the pleasure to experience.